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Tag Archives: smelly feet

Foot Odour and Smelly Feet

The feet actively supporting the rest of the body, tend to be covered up all day. Thereby restricting the follow of air that helps reduce sweat and decrease bacteria activity on the feet.  Which can cause the feet to smell worse than other parts of the body. Smelly feet and foot odour can become problematic and if not treated accordingly leads to not only embarrassing moment, but affect your self confidence and freedom to wiggle those feet of yours

At one point in time we all tend to sweat and perspire on the feet  due to several reasons like those listed below. When these sweat itself can not evaporate then it leads to smell or stinking feet. This is usually caused by skin bacteria breakdown and secretes. Fungal infection, such as Athletes’ feet and other factors listed below can cause foot odour. 

To help prevent this condition of smelly feet or foot odour at the office, during sport practice, at your loved ones home or just simply stretching your feet out at garden or when having a picnic at the park. Dr. Babajide Ogunlana has a few tips: 

  • Avoid  the use of shoes that are tight to the feet as this can help reduce heat that makes the feet sweat and feed the growth of bacteria. Doing this also helps to avoid you developing conditions such as  bunions, toes fungus and corns and callus.
  • Clean your feet regularly with soap and water at least once a day and more if you do rigorous activities such as exercising, running , sport and walking. Take your time to dry your feet thoroughly afterwards, especially between your toes.
  • Have an extra pair of shoes so that you can rotate your shoes daily. This will give them a chance to air and dry at least 24 hours before the next wear. You can use Clean Sweep an antimicrobial Shoe Protection Shield, clinically proven to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria, fungus, and mold. In your shoes at the end of the day after wearing them. Antiperspirant spray  or deodorant can help your feet stay dry or the use of foot powder to absorb sweat from your feet.
  • Use wool or cotton socks  preferably  and not nylon,  as they help to  absorb moisture better. Change your sock at least once a day, use sports socks and medicated insoles that are made to keep feet dry, and special antibacterial socks, which have a deodorising effect for your feet and shoes.
  • Avoid going barefoot in public space and communal facilities like gyms, bathing places and swimming pools. It is very easy to pick up germs, such as bacteria, fungus, and warts
  • Wear flip flops and when practicing yoga, clean your feet with antiseptic wipes or hygienic baby wipes in case you don’t have access to a shower right after class.
  • Good foot hygiene is essential , keep toenails trim and clean and remove callused skin with a foot file. Get a foot soak like using a salt bath, tea soaks or apple cider vinegar will help with callused skin and bacteria.


  • Reduce and if possible avoid the consumption of refined carbohydrates. Instead, take a balanced diet, with enough fruits & veggies and plenty of water.  

Condition that can lead to such foot odour and smelly foot are; 

  • Fungal Infection
  • Standing All Day 
  • Overactive Sweat Glands
  • Genetics
  • Injury Due To Structural Tissue
  • Bacterial  Breakdown On Skin
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Daily Stress
  • Poor Personal Hygiene 
  • Wearing Same Shoe Everyday Without Airing Them
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